Tuesday 28 February 2012

Assesment 5: Movement

Part A

No Blur:


To view the complete no blur album click here and for the blur one, here. :-)

Part B

Clear Splash:                                         

F stop: 5.6
Shutter Speed: 1/100
ISO: 1600 
Comments: Clear splash even if the penny is invisible...

Blurry Splash:

F Stop: 6.3
Shutter Speed: 1/60
ISO: 1600
Comments: Blurry splash (because lower shutter speed) but a great one.

Additional observation: The higher the ISO, the more noise.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Assignment 2: Self Portrait & Camera Procedures

For this assignment, I first had to shoot photos of myself. So, little by little I built a library from which I chose the ten photos I like best. I had some that I had done with my iPod camera and some with my digital camera. In class, I plugged each one in the computer. The computer asked me with which program would I like to open the pictures and I simply selected the yellow folder in which they are contained. Once the folder opened, I dragged them on the desktop and I unplugged the cameras. Then I opened Picasa, clicked on Tools, then Folder Management and selected the Desktop to be always scanned. I clicked OK and they appeared in the program. 

I know that I will not be able to make a selection each time because there will be tons of pictures, so next time, I can just plug in my camera, check in the folder management that I would like for the camera folder to also be scanned, and get all the pictures in the Picasa library. From there I can create a folder with the selected pictures to post and sync with the Internet. 

Once I got my pictures onto the Picasa site, I was ready to here, on blogspot. The way I uploaded my favourite self-portrait here is by clicking on the little button up in the menu called "Insert Image", then chose file, I selected the photo and then Open. And voila!

As for my album, it is available on Picasa, so that people can see the rest of my portraits. The way I posted the link to the online album is by writing "here", highlight it, click on link, copy the address of my album, paste it in the box of Blogspot and click OK. 

Pretty simple once you get it.

To view my album click here.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Assignment 1: Light Sensitive Material

When I first saw photograms on Google Images I thought ‘This shouldn’t be hard, we just put some light above objects’’. The reality was far from that. There are so many details you have to think of; the amount of light, the amount of time, what objects to put on the light-sensitive paper, how to place them, use the sheet from the right side…the list is endless. Here are the results.

Second out of four tries:

My objects were a necklace and a transparent heart from a pendant. Once everything placed, I lighted the objects for approximately five seconds, not very far from the desk (maybe a few cm). I think the necklace came out pretty well, except for a few unfocused beads on the right. As for the heart, it seems that the light was too much as we can barely see its shape. However, I find interesting that there are three darker spots on the heart and to me, it kind of looks like a smiley face. 

Third out of four tries:
For this photogram, I used a small bottle of perfume, a lot of mechanical  pencil leads and the lids of the little boxes in which you put the leads. I put all the pencil leads all around the bottle of perfume. Surprisingly, it seems like I put them on the bottle of perfume which I found weird yet interesting. I think this has to do with the location of my light source. Additionally, this time I held the light for three seconds and we can notice there is much more contrast. So I guess for me, it was not How much light but How Long to expose to light.

I wish I could re-do some photograms because this was really fun!