Wednesday 25 April 2012

Stop Motion Assessment

What I will consider for my next project is the quality of the pictures. On this one, at the end the photos look kind of blurry. Yet on the camera I didn't see that. Hope the quality will be better for the big project. The rest is pretty straightforward to me as I already followed a video course back in secondary and  I'm pretty satisfied with my production. I think, however, that I will put much more effort in the editing part for the big project so it's even better.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Creative and Environmental Portraits

Creative Portrait:
Alone with her Reflection

Environmental Portrait:
Nothing Better than a 60s War Movie with my tail-wagger @ 2am

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Assessment 9: Quality of Light Portrait Series

¾ lighting

Split lighting

Butterfly lighting
